Quick Trace Calculators-California Cases Only

Thank you for visiting my quick trace separate property calculator page for California cases only.  Please read the following instructions/warnings carefully before using the calculators:

WARNING: Use of these separate property tracing calculators does not create an attorney-client relationship, nor does it constitute giving legal advice.  Separate property tracing is not applicable in all cases and you should seek legal advice before relying solely on these tools.
WARNING: You should not use these calculators for complex traces (Example-accounts that have transactions including but not limited to: merger of accounts, roll overs from other accounts, and/or large loans/withdrawals (especially loans/withdrawals which result in negative percentages in the calculator) should be completed by a professional CPA.  Attorney Ruegg can give you a recommendation if you have a complex trace.
WARNING: Attorney Ruegg does not provide any warranties or guarantees related to the use of these free separate property calculators and Attorney Ruegg has no way of monitoring the proper use of these calculators.  Incorrect use of these calculators will result in incorrect results.

Instructions:  If you have a PRE-MARITAL separate property interest (Example: you had money in your account before marriage) -please use calculator 1 or 2 —

If you have a statement showing your account balance from date of marriage, statements showing ALL your contributions during marriage, and your date of separation statement, then use one of the following calculator 1:

Calculator 1 –  Quick Trace From Date of Marriage through Date of Separation (With Statements)

Step 1: Enter your Date of Marriage, Date of Separation, beginning balance (typically your date of marriage balance), and beginning balance statement date.

Step 2: For each period of time, enter the TOTAL contributions, ending balance as the end of the period, and ending balance date.  (Periods of time can be days, months, years, or multiple years.  The shorter the periods, the more accurate the allocation of gains and losses will be).

Step 3: Your results will generate below as you fill out each period and you can print or save as a pdf once you have completed your trace.

Note: If you have more than 10 periods you would like to trace, email David Ruegg for further instructions on how to ‘connect’ the sheets together.

PRO-TIP: If after completing all periods and you have POST-MARITAL contributions, then you can use the values at the bottom of this calculator 1 to continue your trace using calculator Calculator 3 – Quick Trace After Date of Separation (With Statements) .  

If you are missing statements or want to do a ‘quick estimate’, then use the following calculator 2:

Calculator 2 – Quick Trace From Date of Marriage through Date of Separation (NO statements-see tabs at bottom)

Step 1: Enter your Date of Marriage, Date of Separation, beginning balance (typically your date of marriage balance), and ending balance (typically your date of separation balance).

Step 2: Enter the contributions (or best estimate of your contributions) for each time period.

Step 3: Your results will generate below as you fill out each period and you can print or save as a pdf once you have completed your trace.

Note: The calculator only allows for 10 periods.  Combine periods together if you need to (example make a time period 2 years instead of 1 year and add up the total contributions for each 2 year period).

PRO-TIP: If after completing all periods and you have POST-MARITAL contributions, then you can use the values at the bottom of this calculator 2 to continue your trace using calculator Calculator 4 – Quick Trace After Date of Separation (NO Statements) .

–If you have a POST-MARTIAL separate property interest-i.e. you contributed money into your account after separation-please use calculator 3 or 4 (note that for purposes of your QDRO/DRO, most plan administrators will complete post-marital separate property calculations for you and so post-marital calculations are unnecessary)–

If you have your date of separation statement balance (AND that balance is 100% community property) and statements up through the date you want the account valued, use this calculator 3 (see PRO TIP above under Calculator 1 instructions if your balance is mixed community and separate):

Calculator 3 – Quick Trace After Date of Separation (With Statements) .

Step 1: Enter your Date of Marriage, Date of Separation, beginning balance (typically your date of separation balance), and beginning balance statement date.

Step 2: For each period of time, enter the TOTAL contributions, ending balance as the end of the period, and ending balance date.  (Periods of time can be days, months, years, or multiple years.  The shorter the periods, the more accurate the allocation of gains and losses will be).

Step 3: Your results will generate below as you fill out each period and you can print or save as a pdf once you have completed your trace.

Note: If you have more than 10 periods you would like to trace, email David Ruegg for further instructions on how to ‘connect’ the sheets together.

If you are missing statements or want to do a ‘quick estimate’, then use the following calculator (REMEMBER-this calculator assumes 100% community starting balance-(see PRO-TIP above under Calculator 2 if your balance is mixed community and separate):

Calculator 4 – Quick Trace After Date of Separation (NO Statements-see tabs at bottom) .

Step 1: Enter your Date of Marriage, Date of Separation, beginning balance (typically your date of separation balance), and ending balance (typically your date of valuation balance).

Step 2: Enter the contributions (or best estimate of your contributions) for each time period.

Step 3: Your results will generate below as you fill out each period and you can print or save as a pdf once you have completed your trace.

NOTE: The calculator only allows for 10 periods.  Combine periods together if you need to (example make a time period 2 years instead of 1 year and add up the total contributions for each 2 year period).