Here is an analogy of a ‘valuation date issue’:In 2010 Albert had $100 at Bank of AmericaIn 2013 Albert separated from Betty.In 2015 Albert transferred $105 to Wells Fargo (100% of the Bank of America Account balance)In 2020 Albert’s divorce completed and Albert is ordered to split his account 50-50 […]
Are you a Teacher in CalSTRS? Are you a Los Angeles County LACERA Member? Are you part of a retirement system that does not pay into social security? You may want to listen to this podcast to find out how federal preemption and California Family Code 2550 may create a […]
Social Security Windfall Elimination Provisions-Ex Receives 1&1/2 Pensions and You ...
If you think your ex is hiding retirement accounts from you, this podcast goes over some tips on what you should do and where you should look.
Think Your Ex Is Hiding Retirement Accounts? Listen To This ...
In this Podcast-I discuss the mistakes parties and family law attorneys make conceptually with loans against 401(k) accounts and valuation date issues with regard to transactions related to 401(k) and similar accounts. Enjoy! -david ruegg
New Podcast On Loans Against 401K Accounts and Valuation Date ...
I am honored to be the new contributing editor/author of the retirement benefits section of the software program for drafting marital settlement agreements. A big thank you to Attorney Garrett Dailey for this opportunity. Retirement Benefits Sections Updated by QDRO Attorney David Ruegg
I am proud to share that I have filmed x3 MCLE QDRO videos that were produced by Garrett Dailey and his team at Attorney’s Briefcase. There are 3 hours of video in total (1 hour each), they all qualify for participatory MCLE credit, and they all have detailed reference materials in support. The […]
New QDRO Videos Published
Learn about how to handle division of retirement accounts in volatile stock market times with Attorney David T. Ruegg, Attorney Richard R. Muir, and Valuation Expert John Madden.For the handout materials that go with this video-please email david at
QDROs In Volatile Times
Please check out my first podcast “Intro to QDROs”
Intro to QDROs Podcast
I sat down for an interview on military benefits with divorce financial strategist Jason Crowley, CFA, CFP, CDFA. You can read about it here:
A Guide to Divorce and Military Benefits
Ruegg & Ruegg Partners, David and NaKesha Ruegg, where profiled originally here: Here is the link to just the Profile Part of the Magazine: Ruegg Profile Riverside Lawyer